News & Advice

Memory Care – Choosing the Best Place

Introduction: As our loved one’s age, their cognitive abilities may decline, leading to conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease. In such cases, providing specialized care becomes crucial to ensure their well-being.…

Coping up with Parents Diagnosed with Alzheimer

Coping up with a Parent with Alzheimer ’s Disease Ageing concerns a lot of changes, physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral. Often, the emotional and behavioral changes are referred to as elders’ second…

A Holistic Approach to Senior Care

As our society continues to age, the well-being of our senior citizens becomes an increasingly important concern. Many of our elders face unique challenges as they navigate their golden years, and it's…

Navigating Social Security Benefits

Introduction As individuals approach retirement, understanding and maximizing Social Security benefits becomes a crucial aspect of financial planning. Social Security serves as a safety net for seniors, providing a steady income stream…

Dementia Care

What is Dementia? Dementia is one form of cognitive dysfunction wherein affected area of the brain can cause serious problems to a person’s memory, language, attention and sometimes can cause inability to…